Responding to the needs of PWDs


Assisting devices worth 15m given out

Kira Municipal Council through the Community Development Department using Sector Grant and Locally Raised Revenue has given out assisting devices/support materials worth 14.65 million shillings to the people with disabilities to help them in their movements. These include six tri-cycles, six wheelchairs and fifty-six crutches.


Handing over the items to the beneficiaries Her Worship the Deputy Mayor Rashidah Nanyonga Musoke said that many of the parents of the physically disabled children fail to take them to school due to hardships in transport. ‘Even some adults who are able bodied but with challenges in legs find it hard to move from one location to another yet when moving around the border areas of Malaba and Busia you find many doing business on wheelchairs and tri-cycles meaning that if we can improvise and give them such tools many challenges will be solved. On that wheelchair or tri-cycle one can earn a living and reduce on the level of dependency and those who are school going can be taken with reduced burden’ she added.

Dian Nabiwemba- Principal Community Development officer said that her department does not have the required resources to cater for all the need but through improvising and support from private actors they try to reach out to the disabled. ‘We have different organisations operating around Kira and urge them to look into empowering and skilling the disabled for their sustainability as we also come in where we can’ she said.


She added that; having in place Councillors representing the PWDs and also a Municipal Council for the same category working with the local hardly any disabled person will be left into hiding unattended to.

Hon. Aisha Nansubuga, Chairperson Social Service Committee at the Municipal Council said that working closely with the Community Development Department her committee is very aware of the matters of all the special interest groups in the Municipality.